Hi. I’m Karlisa Cryer

Welcome to my blog, as I inspire personal growth and uplift women that have chosen to live out their passion projects all the way from Memphis, TN

Brene’ Brown said she has always been told “ write what you need to read”..well these posts are for you and me..I hope you leave inspired

Meet Courtney McNeal ...Community & Home Organizer

Meet Courtney McNeal ...Community & Home Organizer

Courtney is a Operations Manager by day and a home and community events organizer by night.


Name: Courtney McNeal

Hometown: Memphis, TN

Daytime Job: Outreach Coordinator/ Operations Manager

Age: 30

Fun Fact: I enjoy signing although I don’t know how to sing

Tell me about your passion project and what led you to create something like this?

·         I’m the owner of Chic Harmony Consulting LLC. The foundational service of Chic Harmony is home organization. I’m big on order/structure and I have a love for all things that are beautiful. Tidying things and making them look awesome was a hobby, so it never seemed like work to me, it came naturally. It only made sense to take a hobby and profit off it, while also touching the lives of others.

Chic Harmony has also allowed me to strengthen my passion for being involved in the community. I split my professional career between two entities, one being a community engagement coordinator for a local nonprofit organization that primarily works closely with the City of Memphis and serving as an operations manager for a state elected official.

Through my work, I’m able to focus on social equity as well as strengthening skills that will help with running a business. Recently, I’ve formed a partnership with Memphis River Parks Partnership to implement a free fitness series at Mud Island. I also became a partner of Cheers for Craigmont, where I will assist with Craigmont High School’s Career Closet. As a result of being intentional about Chic Harmony and being involved in the community, I’m in the process of expanding my brand. Chic Harmony will still exist, while CM Consulting will thrive on community base work

When did you know it was time to launch your project? 

I started having thoughts about “being my own boss” and how to generate additional income while still obtaining a full -time position. I strategically thought about the enjoyable hobbies that I have, and which one would bring me the most joy as well as those who would be impacted by it. It was easy to determine that home organization was the one!

  I knew it was time to be more intentional about my community engagement once the Cheers for Craigmont High School reached out for me to create a Career Closet for students; I realized that my business can be more than just organizing. In terms of CM Consulting, once I locked in my partnership with Memphis River Parks, I felt a sense of fulfillment and knew I had to continue my work in the community.

What has been the most fulfilling part of the journey to creating this service?

I’m so fulfilled once services are rendered and I see the reactions from clients. It’s the best feeling ever. It’s like, “I did that”! My calling by God was to be a blessing to others and Chic Harmony has enabled me to do so. Not only are their reactions priceless, but the long-term effect that I will have on their everyday lives is rewarding.

I’m looking forward to seeing how the career closet will turn out as well as upcoming projects. So far, there has been a large pour of support from the community. Hearing positive feedback has been rewarding


How has this project not only helped others, but helped you in the process?

It has helped me from many angles. The experience has helped me gain a deeper passion for what I do. It has also enabled me to strengthen my skill set in areas I wanted to grow in. Chic Harmony has helped me expand my thinking in terms of creativity. It started off as primarily organizing and now it has blossomed another component with community engagement consulting.

  What has been the most challenging part about this service?

·Just actually putting it out there, I was apprehensive, having thoughts like“Will people really be interested in this?”. Home organization in Memphis isn’t very popular (which is a win in my position), so it may not be as well received from the community. True enough, there are organizers in Memphis, but I wanted to take advantage of the fact that I am a young African American woman who is trying to find her way in this field.

What advice would you give other women to take on a similar project such as this?

JUST DO IT! Try to stay on a positive track. Pray about it. Do not let anyone tell you that you can’t do it and don’t worry if others are already doing it. If God leads you to pursue it, then it’s already yours. You are different and you are special.

How do you find the time for your passion project and your 9 to 5? And please share tips on how to juggle the two.

I simply make designated days and times that I offer my services. Luckily, my organization is not extremely demanding and flexible (oh, but the work is real, let’s not get it twisted) so it makes it a little easier for me. Tips:

Develop and implement a scheduling structure – have a process in place. For example initial conversation (15 mins), in-home consultation (30mins), proposal draft, schedule a day. A clear path to executing your services will alleviate the worries of balancing life. Have a plan.

Take advantage of any downtime at work – If you are on lunch and you need to follow up with clients; do so. That’s just one example. I am not an advocate of being unethical in the workplace, but if there are times where you can make calls, research, etc, take advantage of that time.



Do you recommend any books or resources to get started?

There are so many home organizing books and resources that are available. I’m big on being happy and finding joy in all aspects in life so I highly recommended Marie Kondo’s “The Life Changing Method of Tidying Up”. You can also find her on Netflix!

Share tips on what keeps you going and motivated to keep this project afloat

I think that I’m motivated because, this business serves my purpose in life – To be a blessing to someone. Furthermore, I do not over exhaust myself; balance is critical. I love my day job and I love Chic Harmony; I want to give them best my all at this point in my life. Always stay focused on what your goals.

Where can people go to find out more information about chic.harmony?

Chic Harmony is most active on Instagram: @chic. Harmony

Email is also a great communication platform for Chic Harmony as well: info@chicharmony.com (feel free to use this email for CM Consulting inquires while this leg of the business is being developed)

Photography: Eric Smith-@smith.cr2

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